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Sour Joke
What did the cucumber say when he fell into the vinegar? Help! I’m in a pickle! #jokes #pickle
Chickpea Murder!
Q: Did you hear about the chickpea that was murdered? A: Yeah I heard it was a hummuscide! #chickpea #foodjokes #hummus #jokes
Take the Pig to the Doc!
Q: How do you cure a sick pig? A: With oinkment! #jokes #pig
The Zen Master & The Hot Dog
Q: What did the Zen master say to the hot dog vendor? A: Make me one with everything *Joke courtesy of Sal from DiPalo’s #jokes
GastroJoke of the Week
Q: What did the Melon say to her daughter when she wanted to get married? Marriage material? A: Cantaloupe! (Can’t elope, in case the pun...
Introducing GastroJokes!
In true Nerd fashion, I am now featuring weekly jokes about food. Be prepared to bask in some extreme corniness. Say what you will,...
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